Welcome to ………………………….Private Industrial Training Institute, which is founded by *****Society Name*****
Shree Balaji Industrial Society has been registered on *****Society Regd. Date***** under the societies registration Act of 28, 1958.
*****ITI Name*****Private Industrial Training Institute was established on *****Affiliation Date*****. It is a private sector institute. It provide good and better quality industrial training for trainee. The institute follows the infrastructure requirements as laid down in the NCVT Annexure G-5 which details the information relating to the trade wise qualification, duration, unit size and trade wise requirement of space, power, supply, equipment etc.
Industrial Training Institute are training institute which provide training in technical field and constituted under Directorate General of Employment & Training (DGET) Ministry of Labor & Employment, Union Government of India.
We believe that a technical career often provides a better salary, working conditions, and self image, which consequently result in a better life. With this belief, we exist to help men and women attain that better life.